Interface VerifyReceiptResponseSuccess

The response body of a request that had was successful.

interface VerifyReceiptResponseSuccess {
    environment: "Production" | "Sandbox";
    latest_receipt?: string;
    latest_receipt_info?: LatestReceiptInfo | LatestReceiptInfo[];
    pending_renewal_info?: PendingRenewalInfo | PendingRenewalInfo[];
    receipt: Receipt;
    status: VerifyReceiptSuccessStatus;


environment: "Production" | "Sandbox"

The environment for which the receipt was generated.

latest_receipt?: string

The latest Base64 encoded app receipt. Only returned for receipts that contain auto-renewable subscriptions.

latest_receipt_info?: LatestReceiptInfo | LatestReceiptInfo[]

An array that contains all in-app purchase transactions. This excludes transactions for consumable products that have been marked as finished by your app. Only returned for receipts that contain auto-renewable subscriptions.

pending_renewal_info?: PendingRenewalInfo | PendingRenewalInfo[]

In the JSON file, an array where each element contains the pending renewal information for each auto-renewable subscription identified by the product_id. Only returned for app receipts that contain auto-renewable subscriptions.

receipt: Receipt

A JSON representation of the receipt that was sent for verification.

Either 0 if the receipt is valid, or a status code if there is an error. The status code reflects the status of the app receipt as a whole.